User submitted reviews
Review by John Elliott
The main weak spot on my Protone helmet is that the front spongy pad gets sweat soaked and eventually crumbles away - despite weekly rinsing of straps and pads. These Protone Icon pads are a useful replacement. A minor snip with scissors was necessary on one pad, but was an area I had to trim on the original pads as well to more closely fit my head.
Installation was simple - the only complication was getting rid of the old crumbling bits of dust from the original pads. And it was pretty amazing the amount of cushioning that had disappeared from the old pads over the years - it felt like a new helmet after the new pads were installed!
Now, if they would only sell the tiny adhesive backed foam pads that go on the plastic retention strap areas - I am down to trimming scraps of adhesive foam to size to replace the ones that get lost while cranking out 3-5k miles a year under the southern California sun.
Review by Joe
I ordered this as the original ones needed replacing. They fit perfectly and arrived quickly.
Review by Anonymous
Works well on Protone and Protone Icon helmets.
Review by Steve
Fit perfectly. Made my helmet like new again!
Review by Bob mcdonald
Super comfortable and the perfect size'