User submitted reviews
Review by JTridesbicycles
This bike is a gamechanger. The primary reason I wanted an e-bike was to reduce car trips even more than I already had by bicycling. The Benno Boost 10D Performance Speed gives me the ability to combine trips with confidence where before I might have bailed on the idea because of time, fatigue, or carrying capacity.
Now, a couple notes:
(1) The headlight mount isn't great. Mine was basically stripped when I receivedi it so that the headlight could not be secured and began flailing around on the fender by the time I finished my first real commute on Nashville's rough pavement. Gorilla tape holds it on the fender now, but I'm still not pleased with the angle of the light. It is pointed upward too much and this is annoying for people on foot in greenway sections that I have to use because Nashville is murderously car-centric.
(2) The front fender assembly instructions are lacking important details. The bracket which is affixed to the forks has a *convex washer* that you must back out almost entirely in order for the front and rear fender struts to fit as shown in the Benno "Front Fender Struts Installation" document. I had backed them out a reasonable amount, or so I thought at the time, only to find that the struts would go about half-way through the bracket holes, at which point I would tighten the mounting bolt. This resulted in a fair amount of frustration when the struts would spring out of the holes and rattle and scratch the finish on the forks. My main concern was that the left sided struts would find their way into the disc brake rotor. The kind people at Benno answered my emails with the all-important info about the convex washer and I was able to insert the struts correctly and torque down the bolt. All is well.
(3) Performance-wise this thing is a beast. I haven't found anything to complain about with the motor, the handling with a load, or with climbing steep hills around here. Gearing is fairly intuitive and I'm getting accustomed to the feel and sound of the motor engagement so that I am maximizing the pedal assist. At first, I did have a little tendency to fight it. I'm used to pedaling pretty hard.
(4) Last thing is the fit. I am 6'3" with long legs. I got a 400mm seatpost and also replaced the Benno saddle with a less robust one for myself. My wife is about 5'7" so the Benno saddle and seatpost go on it for her. It's a cinch to switch the seatposts with saddles already mounted for either of us.
Get one. You won't regret it. Just follow my heads up about the fender struts to avoid being frustrated with them springing out of the mounts in the middle of a ride at the worst possible time.